About two-thirds of Californians (68%) support the state law, AB 32, which requires California to reduce its emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. A strong majority of Californians (65%) favors the state making its own policies to address global warming.

One explanation for Californians’ consistent support for state action on global warming is that relatively few (26%) think that these efforts will lead to job losses. Most say the state’s efforts will result in more jobs (39%) or won’t affect the number of jobs (27%).

But residents’ support declines significantly if these two efforts lead to higher gas prices or electricity bills.
And although the state’s cap-and-trade system took effect in 2012, awareness of this program is not high among Californians. Just 13 percent say they have heard a lot about it, while 32 percent have heard a little and 55 percent have heard nothing at all about this system, which sets limits on carbon dioxide emissions.
