Though the biennial update is designed to supplement the Integrated Energy Planning Report (IEPR) for inter-agency “process alignment,” California Energy Commission (CEC) Chair Robert Weisenmiller told the meeting earlier this week that he and California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) President Michael Picker will be using the forecast for enhanced distribution planning, to help design time-of-use rates and customer charges. They will work closely with the California Independent System Operator, which is the third agency partner in the IEPR process.

The new regulatory emphasis is on increasing green energy and climate change mitigation / response, said Weisenmiller, who was reappointed and sworn in by Gov. Brown last week.

In sum, the revised use forecast for 2015-2025 now shows a mid-line consumption forecast decrease of 1.5% due to slower growth rates in personal income, employment, number of households and population. Forecast regional variables are noted on p. 15 and economic assumptions on p. 18. One adjustment readily evident is the assumption that oil and gas prices will trend up, slightly outpacing inflation.
