California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones, who last year mounted an unsuccessful initiative campaign to assume more control over health insurance rates, said Thursday that he plans to run for attorney general in 2018.

Jones, a Sacramento Democrat, begins his campaign for another statewide office with $2.6 million in campaign funds on hand and the support of many liberal party activists.

“I have dedicated my life and my legal training to protecting California families,” he said in a statement. “I am ready and well prepared to take on this challenge.”

It is unclear whether Jones will challenge for an open seat or be forced to campaign against a sitting incumbent, presumably from his own party. Attorney General Kamala Harris, a Democrat, is the favorite to claim the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Barbara Boxer in 2016. If Harris wins, Gov. Jerry Brown would appoint someone to serve out the remaining two years of her term.

Among those being mentioned for the appointment are Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey, San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón and former Senate leader Darrell Steinberg, all Democrats.