California voters are likely to approve a $7.5 billion water bond on the November statewide ballot, according to a Field Poll released Wednesday.

By nearly 2 to 1, voters indicated they support the water bond, a somewhat surprising result given that the majority of people polled reported at first that they were not familiar with Proposition 1.

“That’s interesting to me,” said poll Director Mark DiCamillo. “I would have guessed there would be more awareness among likely voters. These are the people we believe will show up on election day. … It’s almost like many voters aren’t aware an election is coming up.”

Fifty-two percent of likely voters said they would vote yes for the water bond, while 27 percent planned to vote no and 21 percent were undecided. Among voters who indicated they were already familiar with the water bond, support was 57 percent in favor and 25 percent against.

DiCamillo said that’s a favorable result in the poll, indicating that as people learn about the water bond, their support for it increases.