California ranks 44th for economic competitiveness among all 50 states, according to the latest annual “Rich States, Poor States” report released by the Arlington, Va.-based American Legislative Exchange Council.

The No. 44 ranking was an improvement over 47th place one year ago.

The Golden State was ahead of New Jersey, Connecticut, Minnesota, Vermont and New York, which was ranked at the bottom, No. 50. The five states with the best economic outlook are Utah, North Dakota, Indiana, North Carolina and Arizona.

The survey results are based on 15 economic policy variables. Tax considerations are a major consideration, including personal income tax rates, corporate income tax rates, property taxes and sales taxes.

Other measured variables include minimum wage, right-to-work laws and the ratio of public employees for every 10,000 in a given state’s population.

The ALEC has compiled its annual rankings analysis since 2008.